We finally had our first awkward threesome


fter three years of negotiation and compromise, my wife and I finally come to an agreement of our open relationship. We have set lots of rules and punishment for violations, just to make sure our marriage won’t be ruined for it. I think we might be the most cautious couples for threesome dating in history. Neither of us want to do anything to hurt our marriage, so I think it is necessary no matter what they may think.

We decided to take the next move by going to a threesome app we had been talking about. It was a local swinger club, very famous among swinger couples and singles, and also a discreet one. We are so sure and ready for a grand night. We prepared like dozens of condoms for it. But the result failed us.

When we entered the club, it was so nice. Everyone was dressed up with hot and sexy clothes. Everyone was so hot. It got us so excited. But soon, we found that everyone was occupied with someone. They are talking to each other like they have already know them. We were newbies here, so we couldn’t find anyone to talk to. It would be awkward and impolite to interrupt a conversation. So my wife and I just hung around for a while, just the two of us, hoping to find one swinger single alone, but it did not go very well.

We had lots of drinks and we almost gave up until a couple came to us. They were cute and nice to us. It turned out that they were also newbies in the swinger field and hoping to find a single for a tinder threesome while had the same result as we did. It was a nice company though. We talked a lot about our fears and excitement about open relationships and threesomes. We had surprisingly familiar perspective toward many subjects. Soon, things got steamier. I sensed that they wanted to try a double date or foursome with us. That was out of our expectation, but we agreed to it anyway.

We left the club together and got a room nearby. We all were so new in this, so it was a little embarrassed for us to undress each other. When we finally got to bed, it turned out that the bed was too small for four persons. The other man said that he would like to sit on that chair to watch when we had a threesome together with his wife. It was strange, but when he left, we had more room, so we accepted it quickly.

To be honest, I was a little timid when I touched and kissed his wife. I felt stressed by it when I thought about her husband was watching. So I didn’t let myself out for a bit. Anyway, I penetrated my wife while my wife gave oral to her. It was so awkward that I could never forget.


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